Creates one or more product ads. Successfully created product ads will be assigned a unique adId.
Retrieves a product ad by ID. Note that this call returns the minimal set of product ad fields, but is more efficient than getProductAdEx.
Retrieves a product ad and its extended fields by ID. Note that this call returns the complete set of product ad fields (including serving status and other read-only fields), but is less efficient than getProductAd.
Retrieves a list of product ads satisfying optional criteria.
params: { count: undefined | number; startIndex: undefined | number } & { adGroupIdFilter: undefined | number[]; adIdFilter: undefined | number[]; campaignIdFilter: undefined | number[]; stateFilter: undefined | "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" }Retrieves a list of product ads with extended fields satisfying optional criteria.
params: { count: undefined | number; startIndex: undefined | number } & { adGroupIdFilter: undefined | number[]; adIdFilter: undefined | number[]; campaignIdFilter: undefined | number[]; stateFilter: undefined | "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" }Updates one or more product ads. Product ads are identified using their adId.
Sets the product ad status to archived. This same operation can be performed via an update, but is included for completeness. Archived entities cannot be made active again. See developer notes for more information.