Creates one or more negative keywords. Successfully created keywords will be assigned a unique keywordId.
Retrieves a negative keyword by ID. Note that this call returns the minimal set of keyword fields, but is more efficient than getNegativeKeywordEx.
Retrieves a negative keyword and its extended fields by ID. Note that this call returns the complete set of keyword fields (including serving status and other read-only fields), but is less efficient than getNegativeKeyword.
Retrieves a list of negative keywords satisfying optional criteria.
params: { count: undefined | number; startIndex: undefined | number } & { adGroupIdFilter: undefined | number[]; campaignIdFilter: undefined | number[]; keywordText: undefined | string; matchTypeFilter: undefined | "negativeExact" | "negativePhrase"; stateFilter: undefined | "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" }Retrieves a list of negative keywords with extended fields satisfying optional criteria.
params: { count: undefined | number; startIndex: undefined | number } & { adGroupIdFilter: undefined | number[]; campaignIdFilter: undefined | number[]; keywordText: undefined | string; matchTypeFilter: undefined | "negativeExact" | "negativePhrase"; stateFilter: undefined | "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" }Updates one or more negative keywords. Keywords are identified using their keywordId.
Archive a single negative ad group-level keyword. Archived entities cannot be made active again. See developer notes for more information.