
  • Operation
    • SponsoredDisplayProductAdsOperation



  • Sets the product ad status to archived. This operation is equivalent to an update operation that sets the status field to 'archived'. Note that setting the status field to 'archived' is permanent and can't be undone. See Developer Notes for more information.



    • adId: number

    Returns Promise<{ adId: undefined | number; code: undefined | string; details: undefined | string }>

  • Gets a requested product ad. Note that the ProductAd object is designed for performance, and includes a small set of commonly used fields to reduce size. If the extended set of fields is required, use a product ad operations that returns the ProductAdResponseEx object.



    • adId: number

    Returns Promise<{ adGroupId: number; adId: number; campaignId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" } & { sku: string } | { adGroupId: number; adId: number; campaignId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" } & { asin: string }>

  • Gets a list of product ads with extended fields. Gets an array of ProductAdExtended objects for a set of requested ad groups. The ProductAdExtended object includes the extended set of available fields.



    • adId: number

    Returns Promise<{ adGroupId: number; adId: number; campaignId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" } & { sku: string } & { creationDate: Date; lastUpdatedDate: Date; servingStatus: "CAMPAIGN_ARCHIVED" | "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED" | "ADVERTISER_PAYMENT_FAILURE" | "CAMPAIGN_OUT_OF_BUDGET" | "ACCOUNT_OUT_OF_BUDGET" | "PORTFOLIO_ENDED" | "AD_GROUP_ARCHIVED" | "AD_GROUP_PAUSED" | "AD_POLICING_SUSPENDED" | "AD_ARCHIVED" | "AD_PAUSED" | "AD_STATUS_LIVE" | "MISSING_DECORATION" | "NOT_BUYABLE" } & { adGroupId: number; adId: number; campaignId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" } & { asin: string } & { creationDate: Date; lastUpdatedDate: Date; servingStatus: "CAMPAIGN_ARCHIVED" | "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED" | "ADVERTISER_PAYMENT_FAILURE" | "CAMPAIGN_OUT_OF_BUDGET" | "ACCOUNT_OUT_OF_BUDGET" | "PORTFOLIO_ENDED" | "AD_GROUP_ARCHIVED" | "AD_GROUP_PAUSED" | "AD_POLICING_SUSPENDED" | "AD_ARCHIVED" | "AD_PAUSED" | "AD_STATUS_LIVE" | "MISSING_DECORATION" | "NOT_BUYABLE" }>

  • Gets a list of product ads. Note that the ProductAd object is designed for performance, and includes a small set of commonly used fields to reduce size. If the extended set of fields is required, use a product ad operation that returns the ProductAdExtended object.



    • Optional params: { count: undefined | number; startIndex: undefined | number } & { adGroupIdFilter: undefined | number[]; adIdFilter: undefined | number[]; campaignIdFilter: undefined | number[]; stateFilter: undefined | "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" }

    Returns Promise<({ adGroupId: number; adId: number; campaignId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" } & { sku: string } | { adGroupId: number; adId: number; campaignId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" } & { asin: string })[]>

  • Gets a list of product ads with extended fields. The ProductAdExtended object includes the extended set of available fields.



    • Optional params: { count: undefined | number; startIndex: undefined | number } & { adGroupIdFilter: undefined | number[]; adIdFilter: undefined | number[]; campaignIdFilter: undefined | number[]; stateFilter: undefined | "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" }

    Returns Promise<({ adGroupId: number; adId: number; campaignId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" } & { sku: string } & { creationDate: Date; lastUpdatedDate: Date; servingStatus: "CAMPAIGN_ARCHIVED" | "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED" | "ADVERTISER_PAYMENT_FAILURE" | "CAMPAIGN_OUT_OF_BUDGET" | "ACCOUNT_OUT_OF_BUDGET" | "PORTFOLIO_ENDED" | "AD_GROUP_ARCHIVED" | "AD_GROUP_PAUSED" | "AD_POLICING_SUSPENDED" | "AD_ARCHIVED" | "AD_PAUSED" | "AD_STATUS_LIVE" | "MISSING_DECORATION" | "NOT_BUYABLE" } & { adGroupId: number; adId: number; campaignId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" } & { asin: string } & { creationDate: Date; lastUpdatedDate: Date; servingStatus: "CAMPAIGN_ARCHIVED" | "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED" | "ADVERTISER_PAYMENT_FAILURE" | "CAMPAIGN_OUT_OF_BUDGET" | "ACCOUNT_OUT_OF_BUDGET" | "PORTFOLIO_ENDED" | "AD_GROUP_ARCHIVED" | "AD_GROUP_PAUSED" | "AD_POLICING_SUSPENDED" | "AD_ARCHIVED" | "AD_PAUSED" | "AD_STATUS_LIVE" | "MISSING_DECORATION" | "NOT_BUYABLE" })[]>

  • Updates one or more product ads. Product ads are identified using their adId.



    • params: { adId: number; state: "paused" | "enabled" | "archived" }[]

    Returns Promise<{ adId: undefined | number; code: undefined | string; details: undefined | string }[]>