
  • Operation
    • SponsoredBrandsNegativeTargetingOperation



  • Archives a negative target specified by identifier. Note that archiving is permanent, and once a negative target has been archived it can't be made active again.



    • negativeTargetId: number

    Returns Promise<{ code: undefined | string; details: undefined | string; targetId: undefined | number }>

  • Gets one or more product negative targets specified by identifiers.



    • params: { targetIds: number[] }
      • targetIds: number[]

    Returns Promise<{ batchGetNegativeTargetErrorResults: ({ code: string; details: string; targetId: number; targetRequestIndex: number; })[]; batchGetNegativeTargetSuccessResults: ({ targetingClause: { targetId: number; adGroupId: number; campaignId: number; state: "ENABLED" | "PAUSED" | "PENDING" | "ARCHIVED" | "DRAFT"; expressions: { type: "asinCategorySameAs" | "asinBrandSameAs" | "asinPriceLessThan" | "asinPriceBetween" | "asinPriceGreaterThan" | "asinReviewRatingLessThan" | "asinReviewRatingBetween" | "asinReviewRatingGreaterThan" | "asinSameAs"; value: string; }[]; resolvedExpressions: { type: "asinCategorySameAs" | "asinBrandSameAs" | "asinPriceLessThan" | "asinPriceBetween" | "asinPriceGreaterThan" | "asinReviewRatingLessThan" | "asinReviewRatingBetween" | "asinReviewRatingGreaterThan" | "asinSameAs"; value: string; }[]; }; targetRequestIndex: number; })[] }>

  • Create one or more new negative targets.



    • params: { negativeTargets: ({ adGroupId: number; campaignId: number; expressions: { type: "asinBrandSameAs" | "asinSameAs"; value: string; }; })[] }
      • negativeTargets: ({ adGroupId: number; campaignId: number; expressions: { type: "asinBrandSameAs" | "asinSameAs"; value: string; }; })[]

    Returns Promise<{ createTargetErrorResults: ({ code: string; details: string; targetId: number; targetRequestIndex: number; })[]; createTargetSuccessResults: ({ targetRequestIndex: number; targetId: number; })[] }>

  • Gets a negative target specified by identifier.



    • negativeTargetId: number

    Returns Promise<{ adGroupId: number; campaignId: number; expressions: { type: "asinBrandSameAs" | "asinSameAs"; value: string; }; resolvedExpressions: { type: "asinCategorySameAs" | "asinBrandSameAs" | "asinPriceLessThan" | "asinPriceBetween" | "asinPriceGreaterThan" | "asinReviewRatingLessThan" | "asinReviewRatingBetween" | "asinReviewRatingGreaterThan" | "asinSameAs"; value: string; }; state: "paused" | "pending" | "enabled" | "archived" | "draft"; targetId: number }>

  • Gets a list of product negative targets associated with the client identifier passed in the authorization header, filtered by specified criteria.



    • params: { filters: ({ filterType: "STATE" | "CAMPAIGN_ID" | "AD_GROUP_ID"; values: (number | "ENABLED" | "PAUSED" | "PENDING" | "ARCHIVED" | "DRAFT")[]; })[]; maxResults: number; nextToken: string }
      • filters: ({ filterType: "STATE" | "CAMPAIGN_ID" | "AD_GROUP_ID"; values: (number | "ENABLED" | "PAUSED" | "PENDING" | "ARCHIVED" | "DRAFT")[]; })[]

        Restricts results to targets with the specified filters. Filters are inclusive. Filters are joined using 'and' logic. Specify one type of each filter. Specifying multiples of the same type of filter results in an error.

      • maxResults: number

        Sets a limit on the number of results returned by an operation.

      • nextToken: string

        Operations that return paginated results include a pagination token in this field. To retrieve the next page of results, call the same operation and specify this token in the request. If the NextToken field is empty, there are no further results.

    Returns Promise<{ negativeTargets: ({ targetId: number; adGroupId: number; campaignId: number; expressions: { type: "asinCategorySameAs" | "asinBrandSameAs" | "asinPriceLessThan" | "asinPriceBetween" | "asinPriceGreaterThan" | "asinReviewRatingLessThan" | "asinReviewRatingBetween" | "asinReviewRatingGreaterThan" | "asinSameAs"; value: string; }; resolvedExpressions: { type: "asinCategorySameAs" | "asinBrandSameAs" | "asinPriceLessThan" | "asinPriceBetween" | "asinPriceGreaterThan" | "asinReviewRatingLessThan" | "asinReviewRatingBetween" | "asinReviewRatingGreaterThan" | "asinSameAs"; value: string; }; state: "paused" | "pending" | "enabled" | "archived" | "draft"; bid: number; })[]; nextToken: string }>

  • Updates one or more negative targets.



    • params: { negativeTargets: { adGroupId: undefined | number; state: undefined | "paused" | "pending" | "enabled" | "archived" | "draft"; targetId: undefined | number }[] }
      • negativeTargets: { adGroupId: undefined | number; state: undefined | "paused" | "pending" | "enabled" | "archived" | "draft"; targetId: undefined | number }[]

    Returns Promise<{ updateTargetErrorResults: ({ code: string; details: string; targetId: number; targetRequestIndex: number; })[]; updateTargetSuccessResults: ({ targetId: number; targetRequestIndex: number; })[] }>