


  • Create one or more portfolios. Maximum number of portfolios per account is 100.



    • portfolios: ({ name: string; state: "enabled" } & { budget: undefined | ({ amount?: number | undefined; currencyCode?: AmazonMarketplaceAdvertisingCurrency | undefined; policy?: "dateRange" | "MonthlyRecurring" | undefined; startDate?: string | null | undefined; endDate?: string | null | undefined; }) })[]

    Returns Promise<({ code: "NOT_FOUND" | "SUCCESS" | "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } & { description: undefined | string; portfolioId: undefined | number })[]>

  • Retrieve a portfolio by ID.



    • portfolioId: number

    Returns Promise<{ inBudget: boolean; name: string; portfolioId: number; state: "enabled" } & { budget: undefined | ({ amount?: number | undefined; currencyCode?: AmazonMarketplaceAdvertisingCurrency | undefined; policy?: "dateRange" | "MonthlyRecurring" | undefined; startDate?: string | null | undefined; endDate?: string | null | undefined; }) }>

  • Retrieve a portfolio along with additional properties by ID.



    • portfolioId: number

    Returns Promise<{ inBudget: boolean; name: string; portfolioId: number; state: "enabled" } & { budget: undefined | ({ amount?: number | undefined; currencyCode?: AmazonMarketplaceAdvertisingCurrency | undefined; policy?: "dateRange" | "MonthlyRecurring" | undefined; startDate?: string | null | undefined; endDate?: string | null | undefined; }) } & { creationDate: Date; lastUpdatedDate: Date; servingStatus: string }>

  • Retrieve a list of up to 100 portfolios using the specified filters.



    • Optional params: { portfolioIdFilter: undefined | number; portfolioNameFilter: undefined | string; portfolioStateFilter: undefined | "enabled" }
      • portfolioIdFilter: undefined | number

        Retrieve the portfolios with the specified IDs.

      • portfolioNameFilter: undefined | string

        Retrieve the portfolios with the specified names.

      • portfolioStateFilter: undefined | "enabled"

        Retrieve the portfolios with the specified state.

    Returns Promise<({ inBudget: boolean; name: string; portfolioId: number; state: "enabled" } & { budget: undefined | ({ amount?: number | undefined; currencyCode?: AmazonMarketplaceAdvertisingCurrency | undefined; policy?: "dateRange" | "MonthlyRecurring" | undefined; startDate?: string | null | undefined; endDate?: string | null | undefined; }) })[]>

  • Retrieve a list of up to 100 portfolios with additional properties using the specified filters.



    • Optional params: { portfolioIdFilter: undefined | number; portfolioNameFilter: undefined | string; portfolioStateFilter: undefined | "enabled" }
      • portfolioIdFilter: undefined | number

        Retrieve the portfolios with the specified IDs.

      • portfolioNameFilter: undefined | string

        Retrieve the portfolios with the specified names.

      • portfolioStateFilter: undefined | "enabled"

        Retrieve the portfolios with the specified state.

    Returns Promise<({ inBudget: boolean; name: string; portfolioId: number; state: "enabled" } & { budget: undefined | ({ amount?: number | undefined; currencyCode?: AmazonMarketplaceAdvertisingCurrency | undefined; policy?: "dateRange" | "MonthlyRecurring" | undefined; startDate?: string | null | undefined; endDate?: string | null | undefined; }) } & { creationDate: Date; lastUpdatedDate: Date; servingStatus: string })[]>

  • Update one or more portfolios.



    • portfolios: ({ portfolioId: number } & { budget: undefined | ({ amount?: number | undefined; currencyCode?: AmazonMarketplaceAdvertisingCurrency | undefined; policy?: "dateRange" | "MonthlyRecurring" | undefined; startDate?: string | null | undefined; endDate?: string | null | undefined; }); name: undefined | string; state: undefined | "enabled" })[]

    Returns Promise<({ code: "NOT_FOUND" | "SUCCESS" | "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } & { description: undefined | string; portfolioId: undefined | number })[]>